Internship and Internship Report
As you all know, a 6-12 weeks (minimum 240 hours) full-time internship and internship report are required parts of your MA Program and equal to 10 credit points.
GETMA toolkit on Moodle
We are happy to assist you in finding an internship. A list of potential organizations as well as internship reports from former students and all templates can be found on the GETMA Moodle Toolkit. Please register for the Toolkit!
Of course, you can contact Daniela any time in case of occurring or remaining questions. We are also able to provide internship contracts if needed. Also Daniela can assist you with your application material.
Moodle is the online learning platform of Humboldt-Universität. All courses at Humboldt have an electronic version, on which you can find syllabi, literature and general information.
Register for Moodle via:, You can switch to English and use any e-mail address to register, the Moodle support will send a password to your e-mail address, then you can log in, using your e-mail address as a user name.
Then search for "GeT MA Toolkit" and enter the password "toolkit".
Internship: Overview, Timetable, Procedures
- The internship can take place in either Turkey, Germany, or another country.
- The internship should ideally take place during the summer break between your first year (in Turkey) and second year in Germany.
- In certain cases, it may be approved to conduct the internship during your fourth semester, if the internship is closely connected to your MA Thesis research.
- The internship must be related to the academic content of the GeT MA program.
- If you cannot find a full-time internship, part-time internships can be completed if they cover the same amount of time (three months full-time is equivalent to six months part-time).
- The internship may be split into two parts either at the same organization or at two different organizations.
- If a student job is related to the academic content of the GeT MA program and if it fulfils all aforementioned criteria, it may fulfil internship requirement.
- It is imperative to obtain approval of your internship from the GeT MA Berlin office before starting the internship.
Application in Germany:
In Germany, the usual way of doing things is to send your application documents – printed – in a special application folder by post or as a PDF file via E-Mail. However, regardless of whether you apply by post or online, your application must contain the following information and documents:
- Cover letter: In your covering letter, you give the company a first impression of yourself. You explain why you are interested in the post and describe your own strengths. In your letter, try to express yourself convincingly to set yourself apart from the other applicants.
- Curriculum vitae: In your CV, you describe your personal and professional career so far. A CV does not have to be written out in full: you can list the most salient information in the form of a table. In Germany, applicants are often expected to include a photo of themselves in their CV.
As a rule, German CVs are not written in strict chronological order. However, the most recent professional experiences are usually placed at the beginning. Divide your CV up into the following categories:
- Personal details: name, address, contact details
- Professional experience: what companies have you already worked for? What did your work there consist of? You should list this information in chronological order. Start with your most recent professional experience.
- Education: which schools and universities did you attend? What were your final grades? What subjects did you study? Have you completed a vocational training course? Or, have you done any continuing education courses? You should list this section chronologically too, with the most recent qualification first and your school education at the end.
- Language skills: what languages do you speak? How well do you speak them? In Germany, the following terms are often used to describe this: "Muttersprache", or native language; "verhandlungssicher" or business fluent (excellent skills); "fließend", meaning you speak the language currently (sound knowledge of the language); and "Grundkenntnisse", or basic skills (beginner). However, it is more advisable to refer to the standards of the Common European Reference Framework for Languages (CEFR).
- Special aptitudes and interests: For example, do you have any special computer skills that are important for your work? And what are your hobbies.
Please note: The Europass website will provide you with helpful information on the formal design of your CV and cover letter:
The Europass documents will help you present a clear picture of your skills and qualifications to enhance your chances in the labour market. German companies, however, like your documents to be personalised. Therefore, your best bet is to use the Europass CV as a starting point and adapt it to your personal requirements
Europass will also provide you with filled-in CV templates in 26 languages.
You can also download a Europass application guide with the five most important instructions for composing a good-quality CV.
On Europass you can directly compose your CV online in a uniform format in German or English.
In the application process, a convincing cover letter is as important as your CV. On the Europass pages, you can find out about formal requirements for a cover letter, too.
Internship report
The internship report must be 10 pages long. If you split your internship between organizations or into different stages, you only have to write one report, but please report on all parts of your internship.
Please use the first-page template (see GeTMA Moodle Toolkit) and number the pages.
Please structure your report into the following four main categories (subcategories can be added as you see fit) and include the following information or answer the following questions in your own words.
The Organization
- Name and description (history, location, goals, structure, etc) of organization.
- How did you find the internship?
Your Duties and Responsibilities
- Detailed description of your duties and responsibilities.
- Were you happy with these tasks?
- Could you delve deeply into the activities of the organization or did your duties consist of more general tasks? Did you feel you performed the assigned tasks well?
- Were you able to contribute your own ideas or opinion into your work? Were you able to work independently?
- How did you find the supervision? Did you receive adequate and useful feedback about the job you were doing? Were you able to give feedback?
Your Experience
- What did you learn? Which aspects about the experience will you take with you?
- If something was missing, what do you wish you had learned?
- How was the internship relevant to your studies? Which tools or knowledge from your MA program could you apply during your internship?
- How did you find the working environment?
- Did the internship help you gain a better insight into and understanding of the working world in general?
- Was it a good experience overall?
Conclusion and Recommendations
- In conclusion: what did you learn regarding 1) the organization and the field in which you were working, 2) your own career plans, and 3) personally?
- Would you be interested in working for this organization after graduation? If yes, is there a chance you could be offered a job here?
- Would you recommend this internship to future students? Would you allow future students to contact you about this internship?
- All and any further information, details, issues, criticism, praise, etc regarding your internship.
Should you need any assistance during this process, please contact Ankara or Berlin Student Services at any time!
Places where former GeTMA students did their internship (reports available on moodle)
Academic Management and Research
- Center for European Studies (METU)
- Centre for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies
- Centre for Policy and Research in Turkey
- Institute of Strategic Thinking
- Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik; SWP)
- Istanbul Policy Center
- Karelian Institute (University of Eastern Finland)
- Statistical, Economic, Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries University of Wisconsin
- Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation Beirut (FES Beirut)
- University of the Fraser Valley
- Centre for Strateigic Studies (University of Jordan)
- German International School Doha
- Gisam (Medienzentrum METU)
- Kiron University ASAM
Arts and Culture
- Ankara International Film Festival
- Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin (ILB)
Business and Management
- Association of Turkish-German Entrepreneurs in Berlin
- Business Keeper AG
Charity and Social Service
- City Mission Berlin (Night-Shelter for the Homeless)
- Positive East (Health Charity Organization)
- Treff- und Informationsort für Türkische Frauen TIO e.V.
- Verein für Solidarität und Integration TANDEM
- IMPR Humanitarian
- Turkish Red Crescent
- INOWA Consulting Group
- proMENTE Social Reseach
- Small Business Development Center (SBDC) - consult
- WYG International (EU Project Consultancy Company)
Development Cooperation
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- Refugee Education Trust (RET)
Government and Politics
- Centre for European Union Education & Youth
- Delegate of the Senat Berlin for Integration and Migration (Beauftragter des Senats für Integration und Migration)
- Federal Foreign Office Germany (Auswärtiges Amt): Department for culture and communication
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge)
- German Embassy in Ankara (Deutsche Botschaft Ankara)
- International Youth Community Service (Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste)
- Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Republic of Turkey
- Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Republic of Turkey (EU Coordination Department)
- Ministry for EU Affairs in Turkey (Ministerium für EU-Angelegenheiten in der Türkei)
- Institute for European Politics (Institut für Europäische Politik - IEP)
- Turkish Consulate Berlin
International Organisations
- International Education Center for Global Minds
- Regional Environmental Center (Bölgesel Cevre Merkezi)
- United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
- UNDP Tureky Communications Office
- UNDP Azerbaijan
Journalism and Publishing
- Germany's International Broadcaster (Deutsche Welle)
- Turkish Daily Newspaper (Cumhuriyet Newspaper)
- Diplomatic Observer Today
Language Teaching and Translation
- Department of Modern Languages (METU-DAAD)
- Language Direct GmbH
Non-Governmental Organisations
- Association for Solidarity with Asylum-Seekers and Migrants (ASAM)
- Association for Solidarity with Refugees (Mülteci-Der)
- Adopt a Revolution
- Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence
- Economic Development Foundation
- Helsinki Citizens' Assembly (Helsinki Yurttaslar Dernegi Istanbul)
- Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
- Institute for Democracy and Human Rights Armenia (IDHR)
- Mor Cati (Womans Organization in Turkey)
- Society for threatened peoples (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, GfbV)
- TANDEM Cultural Managers Exchange Turkey - EU / MitOst e.V.
Private Think Tanks and Research Institutes
- American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
- Center for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies (ORSAM)
- Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD)
- Co:llaboratory
- EU Information Office Ankara (Avrupa Birligi Bilgi Mekezi, ABBM)
- European Academy Berlin (EAB)
- European Academy of Urban Environment (EA.UE)
- European Institute for Public Participation (EIPP)
- German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, SWP)
- Institute for European Politics (IEP)
- International Strategic Research Organisation (Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu, USAK)
- Leibnitz-Institute for Regional Development and Stuctural Planning (Leibnitz-Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung e.V., IRS)
- Orient-Institut Istanbul
- Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO)
- Centre for Policy and Research on Turkey (Research Turkey)
Umbrella Organisations
- Armenian Environmental Network (AEN)
- System & Generation Association (Youth Network)
- Turkish Alliance Berlin-Brandenburg (Türkischer Bund Berlin-Brandenburg, TBB)